Thank you so much for your kind messages, it has meant a great deal to all of us at Green Man and we are all very grateful to everyone who has supported the Gilestone Farm Project. The overwhelming response and the innovative ideas shared by the community have been nothing short of inspiring. 

All project partners will be contacted to see if there are other ways we can work together, but unfortunately there will be projects that can no longer take place.  We are very sorry to disappoint you, and we hope that the community projects will still be acted on in the future and we will do what we can to make that happen. 

We would have done some great things at Gilestone Farm, for Wales and for our local community that we are so proud to be part of for 22 years. So of course we are also disappointed that the project will not be going ahead, but we have met so many lovely people, we’re excited to work on other opportunities and hope that we can stay in touch.
